Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Well, it is official, we are moving to Utah. This is both exciting for me and a little sad at the same time. My kids are thrilled and excited to be closer to cousins. I am hoping to get my house on the market in the next week and see what happens. I hope it doesn't take too long to sell as we are missing Justin and he won't be coming back here to live. He officially starts his job on the 4th of January so until then he is a temporary employee. He will be home for Christmas and we are all happy about that. This is a great opportunity for him and his career and we are all happy that this has finally happened! There are some things I will miss about Houston. I try not to think to much about it because I tend to get weepy. So here is a small list of some of the things I will miss...

* the ability to drive past my childhood home even though no one I know lives there anymore it is still a comfort

* the great family and church friends I have and have made since living here for the past three years

* the area of town we live in has been wonderful and we have had great neighbors and kids for my kids to play with

* I will be sad to leave behind my vinyl business and the contacts and customers I have made and become friends with. I know that I will still be doing this in Utah however I have several regulars that I will be sad to leave. And I am not sure to what level my business will grow there since there are so many already doing vinyl there

* I will miss my quarterly "Girls Night Out" with my high school buddies, we were very close in high school and even though we only see each other every few months it is sooooo fun to catch up and give and gain advice on marriage, parenting and life

* My house, I have really made it my own...okay I am sniffling now...and I hate to leave it since it really says who I am.

* Los Cucos but I am looking forward to Cafe Rio

* My brother, I don't see him all that often but I will miss our visits

* the ocean...I have always said people are either ocean people or mountain people...I am an ocean person moving to the mountains. I will learn to adjust.

* My sewing job. It is a no brainer and great money.

* The way I know my way around Houston...Utah has that grid system that seems so strange to me.

I am sure there are many other things but these are the things I have thought about recently.

There are things I am excited about moving to Utah and being close to my sister tops the list. We plan to stay with her a little while while we are house shopping. It will be so nice to actually see her regularly rather than talk to her several times a day on the phone. Justin also has some family there, a sister and her family and a brother and his family. We are happy to be close to them as well and be able to share fun things like holidays and birthdays and Sunday night dinners. I am anxious to see how it all turns out. I am hoping that my house sell quickly and that we can head to Utah in January some time.

We will miss you Katy, Texas (Houston) but Utah will be lucky to have us!!!


Stephanie said...

Utah will be very lucky indeed, especially with all your talents to share! We are excited for you and look forward to visiting too! I will miss visiting you in Katy and eating at Los Cucos.

Leslie said...

Moves are always bittersweet. I had a difficult time leaving Houston, as well. It's the people...not the place. Texans are a rare breed and I love them! What a great opportunity, though. I, too, had amazing friends and support in Houston. I was terrified to move here and not have that. I am happy to report that there are terrific people everywhere! Good luck on the house selling!

Heather said...

Moving is so exciting (as I continue to learn). Packing, unpacking, rearranging, unpacking, rearranging, not remembering where you unpacked things! haha It is still too fresh in my mind. I am excited for your move to UT. Maybe we can get together the next time I am in town. I look forward to hearing about the new adventure!

Mike and Julina said...

Yet another adventure! Good luck with selling your home, with the move and getting settled in Utah.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Sam, Dad and I love reading about the kids and hearing all the funny things Alex says. I told Dad that Alex might look like him but, he is not Funny. I enjoyed hearing about all the things you will miss about Texas, but, you fotgot one thing. Mom and Dad are moving back to Houston be near our our grandchildren. Ha! what happended to that idea. I understand because we moved to Olympia for a better apportunity 18 years ago and things just happen. We are so sad that you all will be gone but wish you all the best. Samantha, you will bloom where you are planted as you always have. The kids will love being with their cousians and you can have great picnics in the mountains. As for Los Cucos Dad I will enjoy it for you. Mom

Melanie and Ernie said...

I'm excited for you!! I will miss going to the ocean when coming to your house also. Good luck with the move. Can't wait to see where you end up in Utah.

Mike and Julina said...

Here is Heathers

Michelle said...

I am so excited for you all to come to Utah. I have been alone lone enough youknow other then my husband and kids. I am also happy to have some place to go on Sundays for dinner and visa versa. The Kids would be counting the days if we knew what day to count to. I love you sis and look forward to spending good time togther. And remember "WE" have a baby!!!

Michelle said...

Cafe Rio here we come!

Ali said...

I'm about sniffling reading your miss list. I lived in Utah for three years and never got that grid system down. I'm an ocean and weird road person I guess.
Where will you be looking in Utah?
It will be wonderful I'm sure!